Sunday, October 3, 2010

a self frosting cake..

Today was a great day to start. My boyfriend came back from out of town and we spent the day together. My cheeks almost hurt from smiling so much!

We were hanging out looking at Porsche Boxters and other fabulous cars he wants for Christmas (no we are not crazy rich..just crazy.) and I was nonchalantly giving him a backrub. He is not at all a hairy guy- well except for the beautiful locks of Greek godlike black hair on top of his head, but he gets these random long hairs (usually only one at a time) on his back. and I would never ever point these out except that he found a mole on my side since like the second day we met (at the pool) and named it Herman! So anyways.. he had one of those hairs a few weeks ago and I not so secretly named it Gretchen. So when I saw one today..I kind of talked to it in my head, said Hi gretchen, and then flicked over it with my hand. That made me laugh.. : )

The other moment of the day was when I was frosting a cake today.. no it was not a holiday or birthday or special occasion..we were just hungry. I hate icing cakes.. crumbs always get mixed in and the finished result is bumpy and odd so I pour tons of sprinkles on it to compensate. We had no sprinkles today and I was super extra careful and had almost the whole cake covered in yummy cream cheese icing. Then, it happened, I spun around to look at something and a HUGE glop of frosting slung out of the can.

I watched it falling through midair and figured it was over. It would either make a big mess all over the stove (not the best place to frost a cake I know) or mess up my beautiful frosting job. It landed on the cake. PERFECTLY landed on the cake. in the ONE spot I missed. I'm aware it sounds impossible or like I was on something but it smoothed itself out! The cake literally finished frosting itself. and it made me giggle.

Highlights of My day:
Boyfriend came back!
Spent quality time together : )
He put LED colored lights in the MINi and I love it!!
The cake
He brought back our adventure box which is incredibly cute
Heard from family : )
studying personal training and exercises for work

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